(Or why I am re-starting a newsletter and a blog)
Instagram I love you so…
But you are a bit like the one ring from Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings.
We love you, we crave you, dare I say- we are addicted to you.
…And yet we hate you. Much like how Gollum loves and hates the Ring. Social media gives the promise of happiness through connection and friendship, but more than not it leaves us empty and dissatisfied.
There is a proper way to steward this, I am sure. And the more I think on it, the more I need to get thoughts out of my head and onto paper (or screen.)
I love the inspiration and sense of “community” I get from looking at other artist’s work. I love seeing their in-progress paintings, sketchbook spreads and learning how they make work. The old masters are masters for a reason. But it is also nice seeing work from peers too.
When I post it is to share what I’ve been making with you, dear viewer. Now granted, the quantity of my viewership has decreased significantly. But this loss in an audience has helped me to narrow down who my audience is. My good friends from Shockoe Artspace say, “Make work for your friends, then make more friends.” I love that so many of my audience are dear friends I knew first in real life, and then found their handles on instagram afterwards.
It comes down to two thoughts.
Can I find inspiration elsewhere? Yes.
Can I communicate to my audience without social media? Yes and no. Those who care can find me on my website, read an art journal or get a newsletter update. But I know that many won’t make that extra effort- if my content happens to float by their screen they may be happy to see it, but if it doesn’t it doesn’t. There are plenty of other fish in the pond.
I’ve been wanting to write an art journal for a while. And perhaps this is the time to dip my toes in and start exploring something new. If you have made it this far, then please know that I am not leaving social media- it is a great tool. But also expect little musings like this one to be published to the website. And- and I am very excited about this one- a quarterly newsletter to be sent out to email subscribers. This newsletter (art bulletin?) is completely new- so if you were on a mailing list of mine in the past you will need to sign up again.
I am thinking of a seasonal email update- one for summer, fall, winter and spring. Just a spot to pop in and share what I’ve been making, thinking and exploring in my creative practice. Don’t be surprised if the occasional rabbit trail on motherhood, faith or homemaking weaves it’s way in either. (After all, that is the majority of my life!)
Oh, and any BIG announcements like gallery exhibitions or pop-up markets and studio sales will be first announced through email now.
Okay- I think that is all for now- I can hear the timer for the pumpkin bread beeping upstairs so I gotta dash before it is burnt to a crisp!
With love,