Here's to a new year brimming with possibilities!
Reflecting on my goals for 2018 in this first week, I wanted to share a few hopeful future projects with y'all.
Free Fridays is officially up and running! Visit the contact page (underneath “about”) to sign up or click here!
Free Fridays
Something that I learned through announcing my show at Cabell Gallery back in August and September was that social media posts are easy to miss. I can't think of the number of people I know that would have loved to have had more information concerning the time, date, and location of the show, but missed the announcement. So, the next time an opportunity rolls around for an exhibition or other art event, I want to communicate clearly, and the best and easiest way I can think of is to land those important announcements in your inbox.
So, as a thank you for all the folks who show their support, I've decided that every Friday in 2018 is going to be a Free Friday. This means that I will pick one person out of my email list to ship a tiny drawing or painting to. I figure this is a way to spread the love, spread the word, and be generous to all of you who support this art endeavor of mine. :)
More (regular) blog posts
Writing is a very necessary component of making art, running a business, or paradoxically, staying sane as a stay-at-home-mom. While it seems impossible, I'd love to publish a short blog post every two weeks. It's a great way to take a step back and think critically about the hows and whys of why I am doing what I do, and as the years pass these posts can serve as a public record of where I am in my life and art.
The majority of my bread and butter comes from commissions, which is really awesome and amazing and for which I am incredibly grateful. However, they are time consuming and a bit like giving haircuts- I'm always afraid the finished product won't match up to a client's expectations! I've thought of diving in to more illustration based landscapes for a while now, and would love to offer items in the store that are bit more affordable to the average buyer. My dream is to have illustrated postcards, stationary and prints of Richmond and other locations. This way, even if the amount of commissioned work dwindles, or another child happily squirms it's way into the world, I would still be able to offer items.
Other Projects
While I am, and most likely always will be a landscape painter, I would love to brush up on figure drawing. Not only is this a huge gaping hole in my technical abilities, but being confident in portraiture would open up possibilities to pursue a wider variety of commissions and illustration opportunities.
I would also love to display work in some sort of venue here in RVA- most likely something small and local. A sort of celebration of work that makes sense when seen together.
I am not certain what exactly 2018 holds for my family, but I am so excited to get started on these projects, and see where this journey takes me during the course of these next 365 days!